Stop Holding Yourself Back

Stop Holding Yourself Back


On the first day of graduate school at Harvard, the Dean got up to welcome all of us to the school.

“Anyone here who thinks you were admitted by mistake, that the admissions committee is going to show up and revoke your acceptance, raise your hand.”

Every single hand went up.

Every single one.

I had so many stories going in my head.  

“My acceptance letter came in late May, not early May, so I barely scraped in. All the people they really wanted got their letters sooner than I did.”

Maybe true.

“I only got in because So and So wrote a recommendation for me.”

Also could be true.

But neither were relevant.

Because I was there.


 But somehow true.

 Wherever you go, there you are.

 Most people say, "when I achieve X then I'll be able to Y".

 But where you are today, right now, is valid.


Because that’s where you are!

 It’s self-referential.

There is no such thing as being an imposter.

You might FEEL like an imposter, but because you are there, wherever that may be, you are not an imposter.

 Otherwise, you wouldn’t be there.

See how that works?

 So show up with your whole self, wherever you may be.

 Act with confidence.

 Speak with confidence.

If you change your mind a year from now, or tomorrow, so what?

All you have to do is own it: “Yep, I learned new skills, had different experiences that changed me. So now I think Z.”

 Wherever you are, right now, is valid.

 As the proverb goes "No person can ever stand in the same river twice".

 That doesn't negate the experience of the river you are standing in today.

 It just means that time moves on, we all change.

There will never be a point in time where your perspective stops evolving.

 So you may as well own where you are today.

 Where you are today is all there is for all of us.

 Own your mistakes.



When you stand in your truth, you accept your own humanity.

Personal growth and self-confidence are about standing in your truth

whatever that may be

right in this moment.

When you’re ready, there are two ways I can help:

1) I highly recommend the same course ($150) I used to get started posting on LinkedIn (affiliate link): THE LINKEDIN OPERATING SYSTEM

2) Working together to help you create a content system, tell your stories and amplify your brand: GHEIM@GRAYSONHAYDEN.COM

Genelle HeimComment