Are You Willing to Be Ridiculous on the Way to Something Interesting?  

There is one book, more than any other, that has changed how I live.


The premise of the book is that punishment doesn’t work. It may get short term results, but the shame, embarrassment and misery associated with punishment can leave emotional scars for a lifetime.


When toddlers are learning to walk, we cheer them on. Knowing that they will fall down as they learn, we cover the sharp edges and remove dangerous obstacles.


Over and over we cheer them on, never questioning that eventually they will figure it out. We don’t punish them for falling. We also don’t give step by step instructions or tell them “first, put your weight on one leg, then lift the opposite knee…” Our role is to encourage, celebrate and instill the belief in themselves that they can do it if they keep trying.


Just as toddlers learn to walk, teenagers need to learn how to adult. But for some reason, we change how we respond to them. There is a “right way” to do things, and we instruct and punish them until they get it. Teenagers get grounded for a week or a cell phone is taken away – there is some punishment for “wrong” behavior when, really, they are doing the same thing they did as toddlers.


It is no wonder that as adults, few of us are willing to look foolish. If you try something new and fall short of the goal, what will your manager, your colleagues, even your friends, say? We fear being judged for failure. Embarrassed. Shamed.


Beyond the age of 10, our system is set up to punish beginner’s mind.


Stewart Brand asked “Are you willing to be ridiculous on the way to something interesting?”


None of us can get anywhere new, or interesting, without failing many times along the way.


Pursue something interesting.

Protect one another form the sharp edges.

Cheer each other along the way.


May we all have the courage to be ridiculous on the way to something interesting.

When you’re ready, there are two ways I can help:

1) I highly recommend the same course ($150) I used to get started posting on LinkedIn (affiliate link): THE LINKEDIN OPERATING SYSTEM

2) 1:1 consulting sessions: GHEIM@GRAYSONHAYDEN.COM

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