Location, location, location.

Earlier this month, my 13-year-old son grabbed my phone and set up a SnapChat account for me.

He added me to a group with his friends called – well – something you would expect from a group of teenage boys.

His friends decided that it would probably be better if Moms were not a part of their group so I got the boot.

But I now had the ability to connect with them on SnapChat, so I created a group of my own with the same 5 teenage boys and called is “Mom Sxhool” (thinking it would sound like “Mom’s Cool.” Cringe.) to teach them about life and how to play the long game.

I don’t have a Facebook account and had no intention of joining SnapChat, but I wanted access to this particular audience so this is where I need to be.

I started with Robert Cialdini’s “Influence: The Psychology of Human Behavior.”

Here’s how it went:

MomSxhool SnapChat Lesson #1: 

Welcome to Mom School where I share real skills for life.

First lesson is in how to influence people to get what you want.

Use these powers for good, not evil!

First form of influence is called "reciprocity."

If you do something nice for someone, they feel compelled to return the favor.

Have you seen “The Godfather”?

Don Corleone: "Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day."

Don Corleone knows the other guy will owe him.


MomSxhool SnapChat Lesson #2:

Hi there!

Ok next lesson in influence is the "scarcity principle."

The less of a thing there is, the more people want it.

You can see it during intense scenes like the Cornucopia Bloodbath in "The Hunger Games," where characters fiercely compete for scarce resources.

Then a question came in from one of the boys.


I was thrilled:

“How do I put that into the real world?”

MomSxhool Response:

With relationships, the person who is busy is always desired more.

Say you want to hang out with someone, but you are only free on Thursday as opposed to being free any day.

It makes you more desirable to them.

Think about it in your own life - if someone is always available, do you jump at the chance to spend time w them?

Or if they seem to always be busy, does it make you want to spend time with them more?

You will also see this in marketing of products with things like "offer ends tomorrow!" or "Only two left at this price!"

Humans hate to miss out, so they will be more likely to buy the thing if they think they will miss out on the deal. 

Today they are all at my house for a sleepover, so I could share the lesson with them in person

but I will still send lesson #3 (the “Because” principle)

via SnapChat.

It’s about how and where my target audience - in this case teenage boys

is most comfortable consuming content.

If you want to connect with an audience

you have to go to where they are.

When you’re ready, there are two ways I can help:

1) I highly recommend the same course ($150) I used to get started posting on LinkedIn (affiliate link): THE LINKEDIN OPERATING SYSTEM

2) 1:1 consulting sessions: GHEIM@GRAYSONHAYDEN.COM

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