When She Alights, Catch Her Quick

My husband is a scientist.

He thinks and operates like an engineer.

When we have to do something together on a computer

it’s Armageddon.

If I win the negotiation regarding who gets to “drive” the computer,

 I’ll be in front of the pc with 50 tabs open.

4 half-finished documents and my mailbox are open as well.

My desktop?

It’s a dog’s breakfast.

Everything is saved everywhere.

Sometimes I use folders-

but sometimes I can’t find the right folder.

So I just save the file. Somewhere. Anywhere.

And my husband goes apoplectic.

I use a Mac at home and a PC at work. I have an iphone. There are 76,000 unread emails in my gmail account.

He is a PC and Android man.

He’s a Renaissance man and I am so grateful that he is teaching our sons not only Math and Chemistry, but cooking, construction, and gardening as well.

He is a tortoise.

I am the hare.

And we all know how that turned out.

For me, ideas come whenever they come

I have to get them out and down on paper – any paper, anywhere - or they will fly away.

This is why my files are a mess.

Inspiration is a fickle mistress.

And she incites a certain franticness when she appears.

She is a lovely, exciting, and inspiring nymph.

When she alights, catch her quick.

There is no way to know when, or if

she will sprinkle her magic dust again.


When you’re ready:

1) I can teach you how to craft headlines and content that get people to engage.

2) Let’s chat about how I can help: GHEIM@GRAYSONHAYDEN.COM


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